
In the Ethiopian culture, the celebration of Timkat is a “must-do”. It’s the feast of the Baptism of our Lord. In the Orthodox Church, which makes up about 43% of the Ethiopian population, this day is celebrated with more pomp than Christmas or Easter.
In every Orthodox Church there is a symbol of the ark of the covenant. The day before Timkat, the ark is taken out of the Church among rituals and singing. On the following day, the faithful gather to welcome the ark back into the Church.
We had a choir leading the procession and the Orthodox Abba carried the ark wrapped nicely on his head. We processed around the area of the Church and tried to walk in sync with the beating of the drums. The colors and dancing were entirely entertaining.
Everyone came out in their best dresses and all of the women had their hair done, even though it is required that they have their hair covered up. I caught a glimpse of a group of the women doing their traditional dance called Eskista. What a sight! I was tempted to join in and show off my very limited Ethiopian dance skills. Maybe next Timkat!