
Every time I see this picture I remember the feeling of freedom as I had just finished running through that open field. That was some 5 years ago now. I was in Colorado for a retreat experience with about 50 Catholic College kids from across the U.S. It was an amazing time. One thing that really struck me during those days was how quickly I came to know these strangers I had just met, acquiring a love and tenderness for them. There was something that united us, that bonded us and allowed us to grow together, share our hearts, and of course, have some fun.
My hope with this blog is to do just that…to grow together as we come to realize the power of encounter. The power of encountering others, of encountering beauty, truth, goodness… God. I want to share with you some of my own encounters but I especially look forward to sharing in this space the stories of the many amazing people I have met along my journey. Everyone has a story. Actually, we all have many stories to tell. I’d like to capture some here.
When I was walking through that field in Colorado with the Rocky Mountains right before me, I was without words. I felt so happy and alive. I felt that I could die right then and die truly happy. This was one of the first times I discovered the profound beauty of nature. It has the power to move us in our depths. Yet how often we pass by the sunsets, or look into our phones rather than out the window, or dig our nose into our favorite book instead of engaging in a life changing conversation with the train buddy I’m avoiding. How quickly life slips through our hands and we are too distracted to even grasp for it. We miss out on the power of those daily encounters. I hope this blog will reignite the spark in you to encounter others and to let yourself be known, to let yourself be encountered.
Grace and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.
photo credit: Sherine Olickal