Human Encounter

Walking the dusty roads of life we often find ourselves alone and worn out, wondering how much longer until we get to where we're going. How refreshing when we find someone to walk the journey with us! I'm talking about the friend who isn't afraid to love us through our good times and most especially through those moments of soul searching or heartache. The friend who walks the journey of life with us.
There is something about walking that is good for us. I don't mean the fast-paced "NY walk" that isn't really walking but practically running. I mean the kind of walking that is slow, intentional, purposeful, aware, and present to what surrounds you. My sister and I have come to enjoy hiking and walking in the beauty of nature. Some of the best conversations arise in these moments of stillness and silence. When I speak of a friend walking with us on the journey of life, this is what it should look like-- an intentional, purposeful, beautiful encounter with the human person who stands before you.
We just recently had a friend visit from South Dakota. We took him for a hike Saturday morning. We were on the hunt for the waterfall we had visited some weeks before. We remembered most of the trail except the most important part...where the road divides. We couldn't remember if it was right or left. After some mistakes and hesitant steps, we found ourselves back on the right path to our destination. We were there for each other--laughing, enjoying the moment, and helping one another get to where we're going.
Encountering the human person leads to genuine friendship and this makes the journey of life that much more amazing.
Grace and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.